Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Agony and the Ecstasy by Irving Stone

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The passionate biographical novel of Michelangelo

I picked this book up at the big library book sale downtown about a month ago. I was attracted to it because it sounded familiar at the time, and I later found out that it had been made into a movie... d'uh. I haven't seen the movie, but remembered the title because it sounded sexy.

So far, the book has been better than I expected. It starts off a little slow, because it is still a historical text(book). But the author does a good job of imagining what Michelangelo might of thought and felt. In the intro, the author cites a number of historical authorities, and thanks professor for translating Michelangelo's personal letters.

I've been slow reading it because it is very slow... not alot of action as yet. Lots of passages about Michelangelo discovering the art of sculpture, and his near fanaticism of marble. It's been really interesting to read about life in Florence during his time though, living with the Medici and the conventions of the day. I'm sure I could make it sound more interesting, but I haven't finished the book yet, so I'll reserve that for later.

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